Osnabrück Computational Cognition Alliance Meeting


socSMCs Workshop

on „Mechanisms and models of social interaction“

6 - 8 July 2017


The goal of the OCCAM workshop series is to foster our understanding of mechanisms and principles of information processing in self-organized hierarchical and recurrent systems. Our knowledge of such systems is still very limited despite being a focus of research for many years. The OCCAM workshop series aims at assembling the latest results from various research branches in order to bring about a more comprehensive understanding of the principles of information processing with a particular focus on 3 major topics:

  1. Neural coding and representation of information in hierarchical systems
  2. Self-organisation in dynamic systems
  3. Mechanisms for probabilistic inference

The OCCAM workshop series is meant to shed light on the different aspects of such systems.

In 2017 OCCAM jointly with the socSMCs project will present the workshop on: „Mechanisms and models of social interaction“


This workshop is hosted by the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrueck.
We thank the following institutions for their generous financial support:




Scientific issues:

Organizing committee:

  • Andreas K. Engel
  • Frank Jäkel
  • Peter König
  • Gordon Pipa

email:  occam@cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de

Organizational issues:


Marion Schmitz
phone: +49(0)541 / 969-2407
fax: +49(0)541 / 969-2596

email:  maschmit@uni-osnabrueck.de

Postal address:

University of Osnabrück
Institute of Cognitive Science
Research group "Neurobiopsychology"
Marion Schmitz (50/209)
Wachsbleiche 27
49069 Osnabrück


THURSDAY, 6 July 2017
09:00 - 12:30 Session I
  Tamim Asfour
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  Verena V. Hafner
Humboldt University of Berlin
  Pascal Nieters
University of Osnabrück (student presentation)
  Ivan Herreros Alonso
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 17:00 Session II
  Maria Concetta Morrone
University of Pisa
  Bernhard Hommel
Leiden University
  Ivana Konvalinka
Technical University of Denmark
Öffentlicher Vortrag (public talk)
in the Schloss (Auditorium):
  Thomas Metzinger
Tamim Asfour
  Introduced by:

Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Wolfgang Lücke
President of the University of Osnabrück


Friday, 7 July 2017
09:00 - 12:30 Session III
  Tobias Heed
Bielefeld University
  Basil Wahn
University of Osnabrück
  Poster preview
  Markus Siegel
University of Tübingen
  Susan E. Brennan
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook (NY) (not yet confirmed)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 17:00 Session IV
  Simone Schütz-Bosbach
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  Ophelia Deroy
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  Luciano Fadiga
University of Ferrara
17:30 - 20:00 Poster session
18:00 Buffet


SATURDAY, 8 July 2017
09:00 - 12:30 Session V
  Thomas Metzinger
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
  Anna Lisa Gert
University of Osnabrück (student presentation)
  Merle Fairhurst
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  Hauke Heekeren
Free University Berlin
12:30 - 14:00 Farewell lunch



public talk


Poster session & conference dinner


If you have missed OCCAM 2017, here is the chance to watch and listen to the videos taken from most of the talks.
We hope they will call your interest to our OCCAM workshop series that will probably continue in 2019.
We are looking forward to welcoming you (again) in Osnabrück then.


Asfour, Tamim: Engineering humanoids for the real world
Asfour & Metzinger (public talk): Virtuelle Realität, Humanoide Robotik und Künstliche Intelligenz (Virtual Embodiment und Robotic Re-Embodiment)
Deroy, Ophelia: Metacognition in multisensory perception
Fadiga, Luciano: Sensorimotor bases of interaction and communication
Fairhurst, Merle: Models of mutual alignment – characterising dynamic, reciprocal two–way interactions
Gert, Anna Lisa: Ecological validity of the N170 – a mobile EEG study
Hafner, Verena V.: Development of the self in artificial systems
Heed, Tobias: Spatial integration in tactile-motor processing
Heekeren, Hauke: Affect and decision making : from dual systems to multiple modulatory circuits
Herreros Alonso, Ivan: Models of cerebellar sensory-based motor control
Hommel, Bernhard: Integrating perception, action and self: The theory of event coding
Konvalinka, Ivana: Coordinated minds and bodies – mechanisms across behavioural, neural and physiological domains
Metzinger, Thomas: Mental autonomy and mental action : Mind wandering, epistemic agency, and predictive control without sensory sheets
Morrone, Maria Concetta: Rhythmic modulation of perception synchronized with planning of action
Nieters, Pascal: Flu prediction
Wahn, Basil: Limitations of visuospatial attention (and how to circumvent them)


Please find below the contributions to this year’s poster session.
We hope they will call your interest to our OCCAM workshop series that will probably continue in 2019.
We are looking forward to welcoming you (again) in Osnabrück then.


Ahmed, Zurna: Intracellular recordings and Hodgkin-Huxley model simulation of leech neurons
Czeszumski, Artur: Does cooperative and competitive situations affect feedback processing differently?
Ehinger, Benedikt: Filled-in percepts are judged as more reliable in perceptual decision making
Gschossmann, Lena: Do audiovisual crossmodal correspondences facilitate learning to discriminate auditory pitch intervals?
Hernández García, Alejandro: Predicting visual emotional perception through deep neural networks
Heuer, Falk: New approaches in Go game AI with deep convolutional neural networks
Ibs, Inga: Analysis of electronic medical records for clinical decision support
Khalid, Shah: ERP investigations of influences in within- and across-categoy evaluative and non-evaluative semantic processing using words and faces
Lübbert, Annika: Quantifying social interaction: can joint motor patterns be used as a marker of collaboration?
Maffei, Giovanni: Anticipatory reflexes: reaction to sensory predictions or anticipatory motor commands?
Räuker, Max: Decision-making in the joint loss experiment
Ramos Gameiro, Ricardo: Visual behavior on natural static images in patients with Retinitis pigmentosa
Sanchez Fibla, Martí: Adaptively learning levels of coordination form one’s other’s and task related errors
Schmidt, Timo: Maintenance of sensory and abstract information in the somatosensory modality – a predictive coding account of working memory
Stoica, Mircea: Similarity of behavior in task space promotes collaboration and joint performance
Strube, Andreas: The neurophysiology of joint decision making

Past occams

Please enjoy impressions (photos, videos) from our previous conferences:

Imprint / Disclaimer



Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft
Wachsbleiche 27
49069 Osnabrück

Forschungsgruppe "Neurobiopsychologie":
Prof. Dr. Peter König
Telefon: (+49)541/969-2399
Telefax: (+49)541/969-2596
E-Mail: pkoenig@uos.de



Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft, Forschungsgruppe Neurobiopsychologie
E-Mail: Webmaster


Gestaltung und technische Realisierung:

G&S IT Solutions GmbH


G&S IT Solutions GmbH
Tannenhof 1
49191 Belm




iStockphoto (Calgary, Alberta T2G 1M8, Canada): "Neurons"


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